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Case Study

Class II on Second Bicuspid using Composi-Tight 3DXR - Enrico Cogo, DDS

Dr. Enrico Cogo, DDS

Case Details


3D rings are the real topic of Garrison’s systems. The “v” shape of a ring that fi ts in the interproximal area allows a good fi t between the cavity margins and the matrix in the buccal and palatal walls. This results in easier positioning of the composite masses close to the cavity margins, and fi nal remodeling (usually necessary at the time of removal of the matrix) will be very minimal. The rings also permit a divergence of the interproximal dental elements, which causes a great point of contact. Garrison systems make second class restorations more simple and more predictable and also reduce the operating time of the finishes when the matrix is taken off.

Dr. Enrico Cogo DDS

Dr. Enrico Cogo, DDS

Dr. Cogo graduated from the University of Ferrara, Italy with a degree in Dentistry in 2005. Since 2006, he has been a visiting professor at the Dental School of the University of Ferrara. Dr. Cogo is also a frequent speaker at courses and conferences on dental bleaching and esthetics, as well as direct and indirect adhesive restorations. He is the author of several scientifi c articles in national and international journals, and with his associates, Pietro Sibilla and Roberto Turrini, wrote the book “Sbiancamento dentale: metodi per il successo,” edited by Quintessenza Edizioni and translated into German. Dr Cogo also has private practices in Legnago (Verona), Ferrara, Goito (Mantova) and San Giuseppe (Ferrara).