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Case Study

Clinical Case #1 for IPR

Dr. Robert Białach

State before orthodontic treatment — in the case of large crowding of teeth, it is not recommended to perform IPR immediately due to the difficult access to the tangent space of the teeth.
Condition during orthodontic treatment with Invisalign braces — teeth initially rotated.
Reduction of the interdental space using the FitStrip™ system.
To reduce the interdental space of rotated teeth, the strips can be tightened and arched to precisely perform the IPR.
If only one space needs to be reduced, one-sided strips can be used.
After the reduction is completed, assess using the IPR key.
Final polishing with polishing strips.
Condition after the reduction of the interdental space with the FitStrip™ — a place was created for further derotation of the incisors.