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Case Study

Contact area by Strata-G™ matrix system

Dott. Vincenzo Attanasio

Figure 1: Preoperative view of quadrant 1. Tooth 16 suffering from a carious lesion on the mesial wall.
Figure 2: Opening and finishing of the mesial interproximal box of tooth 16.
Figure 3: Adaptation of a purple Strata-G™ SG175 matrix. The tinted non-stick coating provides a clear view of the marginal fit to the cervical step, combined with a blue interproximal wedge and Strata-G™ Universal separator ring.
Figure 4: Selective etching of enamel.
Figure 5: Application of a universal adhesive.
Figure 6: Restoring the mesial interproximal wall on tooth 16 using the centripetal buildup technique.
Figure 7: Finishing by means of abrasive discs of the coronal and buccolingual areas at the contact area.
Figure 8: Polishing the cervical area using the FitStrip™ system.
Figure 9: Anatomical and functional restoration of the mesial wall of tooth 16.
Figure 10: Occlusal view of the finished and polished reconstruction.
Figure 11: Lingual detail of the anatomy conferred on the interproximal wall by the Strata-G™ matrix system.