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Case Study

Creating effective interproximal areas using a non-deformable matrix system: Firm Bands

Dott. Vincenzo Attanasio

The preoperatory image shows the presence of interproximal carious lesions on the distal walls of teeth 24 and 25.
Open, decontaminated and finished cavities.
Use of Firm Band matrices ensures natural convexity in rebuilt walls, with Strata-G™ wedges for cervical adaptation and a Strata-G™ separator ring for interproximal separation and adaptation to intact surfaces.
Application of orthophosphoric acid in selective etching mode.
Completed reconstructions and walls being finished.
Finished reconstructions.
Post-operative image of the functional anatomical restoration of the occlusal surfaces and the distal marginal ridges of the treated teeth.
Post-operative image in lingual view to appreciate the extremely effective and anatomically correct contact areas obtained through the Firm Band and Strata-G™ interproximal wall reconstruction systems.