Class IIs next to the canine are easier with Strata-G
Dr. Eduard Epure
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MO prep on tooth #5 (1.4) with selective removal of the previous defective composite restoration.
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Matrix placement: a gap is visible until the wedge is placed.
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Wedge placement and good seal obtained
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Wedge placement and seal stated before from side angle.
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Short ring placement and visual confirmation that the matrix is well adapted to the of the adjacent proximal surface.
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Side view of short ring placement stated before.
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The ring shape enables stable placement on the mesial of the first premolar, which is usually a challenging situation for sectional matrix systems.
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Composite restoration immediately after insertion and ring removal.
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Buccal and lingual embrasures are anatomically shaped and require almost no finishing.
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Minor finishing is required on the mesio- buccal embrasure to create a round transition between the composite and emergence profile.
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Back of teeth after finishing and polishing.
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Front of teeth after finishing and polishing.
Dr. Eduard Epure
Dr. Eduard Epure graduated from the University of Montreal in 2013, and went on to obtain a Master’s degree in Operative Dentistry at the University of North Carolina. His mentors at this institution literally wrote the book of operative dentistry. Back in Quebec, he taught operative dentistry as a professor at the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Montreal for six years. He currently acts as an articling supervisor for the Ordre des Dentistes, an expert for the SAAQ, and an examiner for the NDEB while maintaining a full-time private practice in the Montreal area.